First Signings Revealed With Hagah Recordings

We are all about independent bands and labels, as we strive to see the backbone of the industry take flight that others may not want to tread. We reported about a new extreme metal label that has branched out of the shadows of Fort Wayne, Indiana through semi major label Rottweiler Records.

Hagah Recordings in the very beginning the sub label never really took off, as back in 2015 they were finding their own identity in some way and considering that the main label was already focusing on the heavier element of metal genres throughout it’s current list of artists.

Over the last couple of weeks three new signings have hit the new sub label with death grind band Mangled Carpenter from the bay area California, Canadian melodic death metal band Cruentis and thrash/death metal act INRI Immortal hailing from Cuenca, Ecuador.

The new signed outfits have released free new recordings likened to what Rottweiler Records already does with it’s current groups which can be found on each of the bands Bandcamp sites.

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